Octet String
const @property size_t length();
- Returns
- size of this octet string in bytes
const SecureVector!ubyte bitsOf();
- Returns
- this object as a SecureVector!ubyte
const @property ubyte* ptr();
- Returns
- Pointer to the first ubyte of this string
- Returns
- Pointer to one past the end of this string
- Returns
- this encoded as hex
OctetString opOpAssign(string op)(in OctetString other) if (op == "^");
XOR the contents of another octet string into this one
- Parameters
OctetString other |
octet string |
- Returns
- reference to this
this(in string hex_string = "");
Create a new OctetString
- Parameters
string hex_string |
A hex encoded string |
this(RandomNumberGenerator rng, size_t len);
Create a new random OctetString
- Parameters
RandomNumberGenerator rng |
is a random number generator |
size_t len |
is the desired length in bytes |
this(const(ubyte)* input, size_t len);
Create a new OctetString
- Parameters
const(ubyte)* input |
is an array |
size_t len |
is the length of in in bytes |
this(ALLOC)(auto ref const Vector!(ubyte, ALLOC) input);
this(ALLOC)(auto ref const RefCounted!(Vector!(ubyte, ALLOC), ALLOC) input);
Create a new OctetString
- Parameters
Vector!(ubyte, ALLOC) input |
a bytestring |
const bool opEquals(ref const OctetString other);
Compare two strings
- Parameters
OctetString other |
an octet string |
- Returns
- true if x is equal to y
const int opCmp(ref const OctetString other);
Compare two strings
- Parameters
OctetString other |
an octet string |
- Returns
- 1 if this is bigger, -1 if smaller, 0 if equal to other
void opOpAssign(string op)(auto ref const OctetString other) if (op == "~");
Append another OctetString to this
OctetString opBinary(string op)(auto ref const OctetString other) if (op == "~");
Concatenate two strings
- Parameters
OctetString other |
an octet string |
- Returns
- this concatenated with other
OctetString opBinary(string op)(auto ref const OctetString other) if (op == "^");
XOR two strings
- Parameters
OctetString other |
an octet string |
- Returns
- this XORed with other
const @property OctetString dup();
- Returns
- A copy of the underlying bits in a new octet string
Alternate name for octet string showing intent to use as a key
Alternate name for octet string showing intent to use as an IV