
Hex Encoder/Decoder

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class  HexEncoder: botan.filters.filter.Filter, botan.filters.filter.Filterable;

Converts arbitrary binary data to hex strings, optionally with newlines inserted

alias  Case = bool;

Whether to use uppercase or lowercase letters for the encoded string.

this(Case the_case);

Create a hex encoder.

Case the_case the case to use in the encoded strings.

this(bool newlines = false, size_t line_length = 72, Case the_case = Uppercase);

Create a hex encoder.

bool newlines should newlines be used
size_t line_length if newlines are used, how long are lines
Case the_case the case to use in the encoded strings

class  HexDecoder: botan.filters.filter.Filter, botan.filters.filter.Filterable;

Converts hex strings to bytes

this(DecoderChecking checking = NONE);

Construct a Hex Decoder using the specified character checking.

DecoderChecking checking the checking to use during decoding.

immutable size_t  HEX_CODEC_BUFFER_SIZE;

Size used for internal buffer in hex encoder/decoder