
Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see

class  Base64Encoder: botan.filters.filter.Filter, botan.filters.filter.Filterable;

This class represents a Base64 encoder.

void  write(const(ubyte)* input, size_t length);

Input a part of a message to the encoder.

const(ubyte)* input the message to input as a ubyte array
size_t length the length of the ubyte array input

void  endMsg();

Inform the Encoder that the current message shall be closed.

this(bool breaks = false, size_t length = 72, bool t_n = false);

Create a base64 encoder.

bool breaks whether to use line breaks in the output
size_t length the length of the lines of the output
bool t_n whether to use a trailing newline

class  Base64Decoder: botan.filters.filter.Filter, botan.filters.filter.Filterable;

This object represents a Base64 decoder.

void  write(const(ubyte)* input, size_t length);

Input a part of a message to the decoder.

const(ubyte)* input the message to input as a ubyte array
size_t length the length of the ubyte array input

void  endMsg();

Finish up the current message

this(DecoderChecking c = NONE);

Create a base64 decoder.

DecoderChecking c the type of checking that shall be performed by the decoder